Tuesday, February 2, 2010

lv partying sf living vm tripping

Since Tuesday December 15th, I'm sure a lot has happened in the life de moi, however, the word that comes to mind to describe these last couple months is blah. I suppose the most excitement was going to Las Vegas with my home boys and home girls for ramon's birthday....HOLLA

just missing a couple....shout out jr and sam! also, thanks for the photo, B

We didn't steal a cop car, kidnap a lion, or wake up with any babies or chickens in our hotel room, but we had a blast (from what i recall, at least). We also didn't get flooried, so that was a plus! I was the first to arrive on Friday and I pretty much just dicked around and lost my 1st (of mucho) dollas. While I waited, I drank at the Flamingo (stay classy las vegas) and soon enough this crazy b showed up...

love you boo!

Anyways all the rest of the hooligans finally got there and we got straight to business. The weekend pretty much went like this: Drank, gambled, drank while gambling, ate, went to bills to drink and gamble, went to O'Sheas to drink and gamble, got a dirty margarita from margaritaville, aaaaaand REPEAT for three days. Somewhere in there we went to a strip club which was kind of awks because I'm an awkward gal.

Here are some PHUN PHOTOS:

BONJOUR vegoose!

what up bills! we're regulars don't be jealous.

love these home boys. we're just missing ronron. apparently he was the ish, which I was unaware of because I was busy doing things like NOT throwing up in the room.

sarah looks like a ratard.

B day boy!!! Also the weather was really nice in there.

I'm a little busy back there being classy and stuff. hello ben!

So, minus some excessive consumption of alcohol resulting in a great deal of vomit, losing more dollas than we would have hoped (this mainly applies to Ramon and myself), and not coming home with a baby named carlos, this vegas excursion was great FUN and I'm ready to go again.....




Then it was time to come back to reality (ohh there goes gravity) in San Francisco...

I have a new job cocktailing at a bar with a bunch of ds...not liking it soooo much, but I do heart money so I suppose I'll keep it for the time being. Keeping a goal in mind really does help you get through stuff you don't like at the time. My immediate goal for right now is traveling when I graduate so hopefully I can focus on that and everything will come together! (word up sarah and sarah)

Other than working a lot and bitching about it along the way, school started! It's all of our last semesters and I'm kind of freaking out A LOT. A quarter-life crisis, if you will (matsu, you know what's up). Basically I am trippin on some shit and I hope life will start yelling at me and something will happen to make me have that AHHH HAH moment that people speak so fondly of.

Life is short, we're young, and we should live it up. I believe all that, but unfortunately reality sets in and we have to DUNNNDUNDUNNN grow up...I guess all I'm saying is that life is sccuuury and I've been feeling weird about it lately.

So enough of the scary negativity...I'm gonna make a more conscious effort to be positive about stuff. Shout out to my boo sarry chase because thats how she looks at things and I really appreciate that about her...

until next time (sooner than later I hope), V.